The Photon RT UV-VIS-MWIR spectrophotometer is designed for unattended testing of coated flat optical components in the wavelength range of 185-5200 nm. It can automatically test the transmittance and absolute reflectance of optical components in various polarization states at different angles without the need for additional accessories.
• The world's first spectrophotometer designed specifically for optical coaters
• The world's only device with the ability to measure UV-MWIR (220-5200 nm) polarization, providing in-depth understanding of the true performance of optical surfaces
Key Advantages
• Designed and optimized for optical testing (without considering biochemical applications), the standard configuration can cover most test needs without additional accessories.
• Measurement of extreme incident angles, which can achieve 0-75 degrees (expandable to 85) transmittance measurement and 8-75 degrees (expandable to 85) absolute reflectance measurement.
• Fully automated measurement, no need to recalibrate the baseline after changing the incident angle, measuring the transmittance and absolute specular reflectance of the same area on the substrate - very suitable for reverse analysis of thin film design, reducing the influence of human factors.
• Covers the widest test band on the market, up to 185nm-5200nm.
• Absolute reflectance measurement, up to 99.99%.
• Thick sample transmittance test, can automatically calculate the light offset, automatically control the sensor to compensate, and perform accurate measurement without other accessories. Beam offset, up to +/- 60, 0 mm.
• Prism test can be performed directly, just replace the sample stage.
• The improved monochromator has a highly collimated beam with low stray light and high signal-to-noise ratio.
• The measurement speed is several times faster than the products on the market.
• Changing the spot size enables testing of extremely small-caliber samples.
Motorized Stages
Suitable for multiple sample testing, sample rotation, substrate scanning testing, etc.
• Automatic sample stage
• Non-automatic sample stage
PHOTON RT UV-VIS-MWIR Spectrophotometers