LZH calorimetric weak absorption measuring instrument is an instrument for absolute measurement of thermal absorption, developed by the Hannover Laser Center in Germany, and is a thermocouple absorption measuring instrument. The sample is irradiated with a pump laser, and the temperature of the heated area is measured using a high-precision thermocouple, thereby obtaining the absolute absorption information of the sample to the laser of the wavelength.
系统性能Automatic measurementTemperature noise: < 100μK (equivalent to 1ppm at 10W laser power)Absolute measurement accuracy: 15%, relative measurement accuracy: 3%Sensitive to both linear and nonlinearPump wavelength range: DUV-UV-VIS-IR pump laser optionalStandard sample size: Ø 25 mm, Ø 50 mm; thickness: 1-6 mm. Optional multi-sample measurement high-efficiency fixture or large sample fixtureUsed for absolute absorption measurement of materials or thin films, suitable for testing and controlling low-loss components or high-energy laser components
General Properties
-Used for absolute absorption measurement of materials or films, suitable for testing and controlling low-loss components or high-energy laser components
Optional Accessories
Optional laser wavelengths include 193nm, 532nm, 1053nm, 1064nm and other short, medium and long waves.