Computer-generated holograms (CGHs) are methods of digitally generating holographic interference patterns. Holographic images are generated by digitally calculating the holographic interference pattern and printing it onto a mask or film, followed by illumination with a suitable coherent light source. The advantage is that the displayed object does not have to have any physical substance at all.
Benefiting from the application patents obtained in the field of diffractive optics, DIOPTIC is able to give full play to its core competencies to develop and provide CGH with outstanding performance, from beam shaping devices to precision optical components in aspheric metrology. Its products are widely used in many fields, from photography to astronomy.
Interference test of aspheric surfaces
- For general aspheric surfaces
DFNL (diffraction null mirror designed and manufactured by computational holography) is used, which has the interface of standard Fizeau interferometer.
When used with the interferometer, it can directly output standard aspheric waves for direct measurement of aspheric samples. The substrate integrates auxiliary alignment patterns for easy adjustment.
- For strongly curved surfaces
CGH is combined with the spherical standard transmission surface, auxiliary alignment patterns are etched on the substrate, and combined with the 5-axis CGH alignment adjustment mechanism to complete the inspection.
Precision alignment of optical systems
Reflecting telescope alignment
Alignment accuracy can reach micrometer level
Measure the relative position and inclination of the lens using auxiliary holograms on a single substrate
Lens adjustment
Relative accuracy of precision alignment between lenses reaches 1μm
Simultaneous alignment of lens spacing and inclination
Extremely small alignment tolerances
Optical systems that operate in non-visible wavelengths (e.g., reflecting telescopes) can be adjusted
Systems that operate under extreme conditions (e.g., operating temperatures of space telescopes) can be adjusted